Sunday, April 8, 2012

Beyond Good & Evil, and Changing the Term HD to RM

After just having completed Beyond Good & Evil HD, I couldn't help but be reminded of this topic. Why does the game have HD (High-Definition) in the title when it is actually a remastering of the graphics from the original?

The game is in HD (to some extent) since the graphics are smoothed out, but even in this state they are not up to standards with current-gen games. If it were up to me, instead of placing HD in the title they should have replaced that term with "Remastering" or "RM" for short. By doing so it would have done a better and clearer job of addressing the graphics of the game.

Aside from that though, Beyond Good & Evil was a very good game. Characters are certainly unique and the game does a great job of not treating itself too seriously, even when the plot is surrounded by unfortunate events. All in all, it was fun and I'd certainly recommend it. Still though, I would have preferred RM to be in the title.


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