Friday, April 6, 2012

Private Messages & An Extra Feature On G+

This might sound silly, but I honestly had no clue this feature existed. In case anyone is still wondering how to send a private message to someone else on G+, all you have to do is instead of sharing the post with any of your Circles, just type in the name of the person you want to share it with. This however, wasn't the feature I was referring to.

The feature that I was questioning came from a concern from writing a "Private Message" to someone else. My concern about this "Private Message" feature was, how do you know you are in a "Private Conversation" between you and the other person, and not with any more people. Allow me to give an example. Let's say you are talking to someone else, and they tell you "Hey, this message is private. You can type whatever you want." How do you actually know that? Are you gonna' take their word for it? Maybe someone else is secretly in the post as well, and they are trying to get information out of you. I think that would be an extreme case, but it's definitely possible.

Well, the solution to this problem is actually quite simple. Too simple in fact, and I felt a bit silly for not knowing this earlier. All you have to do, to see who a "Limited" post was shared with, is click on the word "Limited" itself. This will tell you who the post was shared with up to 21 people. That way you can be sure that you truly are in a private conversation with someone else and not with five other people.

One more cool feature that I learned about was that you can lock a post for even more Privacy. As Jaana described it "If you want to make sure no-one can bring more people into the conversation, you can 'Lock the post' if you have started it. This way the +mentions of a name don't work. Unless you have mentioned them in the post itself."

Finally, if you haven't done so already you should add +Jaana Nyström to your Circles. Undoubtedly one of the most awesome people on G+.

Hope this helps!


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